Wednesday 11 May 2011

School Lunches

Emma likes the most unusual fillings in her sandwiches.  Today she has tuna, red onion and black olives; The two days before it was lettuce, basil, red onion and grated carrot (she liked it so much the first day she wanted it again!).  Monday she had a potato salad with potato, red onions (notice a theme here...) and mint sauce.  A lot of people say she has really mature tastes for an 8 year old and I agree she does, but we have exposed her to these foods at an early age.  When you aren't able to eat what everyone else does, you have to find new and exciting things all the time.  She has been eating olives for ages and now she has added jalapeno's to her list of special treats. Strange kid eh?


  1. Its great! She's a foodie and not limiting herself and enjoying new tastes. Jalapenos are a great favourite by Owen and he's always trying to get the kids to eat them too...they're not so enthused though! Madeline loves pickles but when I put one in her lunchbox she didn't eat it, because the other kids at school laughed at her and told her it was gross. It's a shame more kids aren't so open to new things.

  2. Total foodie! Her favourite TV Program is Masterchef!
