The next bite 1/8th of a muffin 20 minutes later and all looked good. Emma is now using her ipod to time when she is next due a bite of muffin.
20 minutes later 1/4 of a muffin and a scratchy throat. The allergy specialists are called and it is decided to continue with the challenge as Emma says her throat is okay now.
Another 20 minutes pass, no further symptoms so it is decided to go with 1/4 of a muffin rather than the 1/2 in case there is more reactions.
Within a few minutes she is complaining of a sore tummy. 20 minutes later a 1/2 a muffin is placed in front of her but she cant eat it and is pretty much curling up with tummy pain.
The challenge is stopped, antihistamine given and the specialist called back again.
The nurse said that sore tummies are the most common reaction to a baked egg challenge. The specialist is keen to reassess her in about 6 months with the view to trying it again.
So for now we have to say she Reacted to the challenge and we cant give her baked egg again.
Apparently they are not allowed to use the word FAIL these days, cause it might upset some people.
Anyway the positive we take away is that she did not have an anaphylactic reaction, so that is one thing we can cross off the list.
And even though we are sad we can still enjoy a lemonade ice block, do some arts and craft and get a day off school.
Barbs x.
Well at least you can take some positive news away from this ... It sounds promising :-)