Friday 6 December 2013

The times they are a-changing.......

In the beginning there was a kid full of eczema and allergies.

That girl is now a full blown tween-ager and heading off to intermediate next year.

Her big brother is a handsome teenager and heading off to Grammar.

The cute little sister is going to be a senior at Primary school.

Change is good.  I am loving that my kids are growing up, finishing chapters in their lives and about to open new ones.  Ones with new challenges, new friends, new activities.

Things can never stay the same.

Things that seemed certain just a wee while ago are now uncertain.

Friends that you always thought would last the distance have a hiccup that who knows how long will last.

The healthy child suddenly has something go wrong with him.

Love that the music blasting around our house is Taylor Swift, Lorde, One Direction, Stan Walker, and lots of other current hits that I can enjoy as well.

No longer the Wiggles or High 5.

The girls old enough for me to take them to their first rock concert (Well actually just barely old enough), but what a blast.

And that finally there is a product on the market to make summer fun for my allergy kid - I cant believe she can now join us when we eat ice-cream (Ice blocks just dont cut it really)

Thank you Tommy and James - their Nice Cream is dairy and soy free, made from coconut cream.  The chocolate one is oh so rich and chocolatey - it just may be my new favourite for the summer too.

Linking up with Things I'm loving for the first time in a long time (coz this is my first post in a long time)


  1. Lovely post. Glad you are embracing the changes insteading of fighting them, although I suspect your heart might be sad at your babies growing up. Thanks for the recommendation on the ice-cream, I'll be trying it out this summer too.

  2. Such a lovely, positive read and that icecream sounds great :-)

  3. Oh we love nice cream too... it's so good! Nice to have happy things to be greatful for.

  4. I've seen that ice cream advertised and I can't wait to try it out! I'm so glad it's something your gal can have - by all accounts the concert was amazing - your gals look so happy to be there - thanks for linking up - lovely to have you here!

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