Thursday, 13 November 2014

Day Three - Almost Wheat Free

And so the journey begins

Today is day three of Em being Almost Wheat Free - I say almost as we are not avoiding traces at this stage and there was a hiccup on day 1.  I forgot she had food tech at school and I hadnt informed her teacher of this new restriction.  So she had one piece of filo pastry which she had made into a pie.  Oops.  Must email teacher.

So what has she eaten.

Day one
Afterschool snack - two medium baked potatoes with Olivani.
Dinner - Pork Fried Rice

Day two
Banana Berry Smoothie & Dry Cornflakes
School Lunch

Left over Pork Fried Rice, Nairns Choc Chip Oat cakes, Fresh Strawberries.
The verdict - the rice is too hard to eat and she preferred yesterdays snack lunch.
Afernoon tea - Dovedales Rice & Raisin bread toasted with Olivani, Corn thins with Marmite

Dinner - Minestrone soup made with Gluten Free pasta. Banana.

Day three
Breakfast - Rice & Raisin Toast & Chocolate nesquik Oat Milk

And today she is taking for lunch

Homemade Teriyaki Chicken Sushi (which Em made last night), Orgran animal biscuits and Dried apricots

And have we seen any change?
Her skin is certainly looking better, but that could also be due to the antibiotics she is on to combat the infection.

Is she happy with the change?
So far she hasnt found it to be to much of a challenge.  "Just as long as I can eat potatoes I'll be happy" - bless :-)

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