Friday 13 January 2012

Loving the year so far

We are probably the only family in town who has been loving the weather lately.  Why would anyone love Auckland's wet, windy unpredictable weather I hear you ask?  Well quite simply because with two sick and grumpy kids and the other one with a broken arm, sitting indoors watching movies and tv, having computer time, a bit of craft and playing games was going to be the routine anyway and we didn't have to feel sorry for ourselves being cooped up all day cause the weather was rubbish!!!!!!

What about this cute dog? What's not to love

Oh to be this relaxed!

And also finding these stashed behind boxes in the garage - I had given them up for lost, given away or thrown out but oh the excitement of seeing them again.  Our record collection, a real nostalgic look back at the eighties, and this is but a few faves...

Also Loving that this week, the sick two have felt better.  Bear had a wonderful catch up with her bestie and the girls all enjoyed making cupcakes together, then decorating them and of course we all enjoyed eating them.

The girls concentrating on their designs

Love Emma's smiley face cupcake.

Broken arms can't stop you baking.

Loving a night out just with the girls.  What better way to spend a fun night than Fish and chips on the beach and then a quick play at one of our stunning playgrounds with the best views ever.

Loving friendly strangers who offer to take a photo of all of you

A few other friends dropped by

Feeding the gulls

Enjoying the view on the swing

Circus girl 1

Circus girl 2

How high can I go?

A little surf dancing before we go

Yep, it hasn't been the healthy, energetic start to the year that I had hoped for, but there was a lot to love in there anyway.

Linking up with Paisley Jade


  1. Don't forget making DELICIOUS choccie chip cookies for us! Hehe. I'm a sucker for good choccie chip cookies. Was so lovely to catch up!

  2. Glad your unwell kids are getting better and also that your plans haven't been mucked up by the shocking weather!!

  3. There are always bight clouds somewhere in a dreary week....glad sick kids are getting better.
